my OSHC are an approved out of school hours care provider, who can help your school by:
- Taking on all the tasks and responsibilities of running an OSHC such as:
- staffing
- administration
- reporting
- compliance
- policy development
- Increasing school enrolments
my OSHC can help your school community by:
- Children having a sense of belonging to the school community
- Being inclusive which will increase their friendship groups
- Assisting with homework if required
- Offering a safe, fun learning environment
- Being on-site for convenience – one place for drop-off and pick-up!
- Offering parents employment opportunities
- Reducing the cost of OSHC services by being CCS approved

my OSHC Out of School Hours Care and Vacation Care Services is a child-focused service where:
The service operates according to a stated philosophy and aims to reflect the local community by encouraging participation and discussion about all issues relevant to the running of the service.
Children, families and staff are treated as equal and valued individuals.
Safety is a core value and is paramount in everything we do.
Children will have opportunities to have fun whilst learning.
Children are encouraged to join in experiences to lead them to become successful learners, confident individuals and active and informed members of the community.
Children are encouraged to develop to their full potential within a safe, caring and supportive environment that recognises the importance of families for children.
Through a positive approach, children’s behaviour is guided to build their confidence and self-esteem.