We welcome your family to my OSHC Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) community. my OSHC are approved for school aged children (reception/preparatory inclusive) who are enrolled at a school and preschool children who are enrolled to attend reception/preparatory or above in that current calendar year.
my OSHC Out of School Care and Vacation Care approved service is a child-focused service where:
- The approved service operates according to a stated philosophy and aims to reflect the local community by encouraging participation and discussion about all issues relevant to the running of the service.
- Children will have opportunities to have fun whilst learning.
- Safety is a core value and paramount to everything we do.
- Children, families and staff are treated as equal and valued individuals.
- The National Law and Regulations set by the National quality framework (NQF) are met but aims to exceed the family’s, careers and children’s expectations.
Contact Details
134 Nelson Road
Para Vista SA 5098
(Enter via back of Church Hall)
Phone – 0402 737 051
School – 08 8396 2577
Payment of Fees
All payments will be made by Direct Debit. Alternative payment methods may be approved by my OSHC management in exceptional circumstances.
Statements will be sent out weekly on a Wednesday for payments to be debited from your accounts on the Friday.
Where care is provided before the parent has had their eligibility and entitlement assessed, any backdated Child Care Subsidy amounts are paid directly to the parent once Centrelink confirms their eligibility.
To support parents in the school community if a family or carer is eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy (Child Well Being), (grandparent) or (temporary financial hardship) assistance. The Gap payment will be paid for by my OSHC, therefore no gap payment required (a CRN is mandatory to be eligible).
Late Pick Up Fees
Wherever possible, parents should advise the centre when they or an authorised emergency contact will be late to collect their child.
If a child is not collected by 6:30pm and we cannot contact the parents or emergency contact(s) then the staff is obliged to call the Department of Community Services and take the child to the local police station.
The school Principal and Deputy will be advised immediately if this occurs.
Enrolments and Bookings
The enrolment and booking process is simple and device friendly, families and carers will need to complete an electronic enrolment and authorisation form.
Step 1: Open www.myoshc.net.au and click on “Book Now” or “Enrol Here”
Step 2: Click on no account yet? Register now
Step 3: Complete the New User Registration
Step 4: If applicable refer to the following sections in this handbook
- medications and allergies
- court orders
Step 5: Sign in to your my Gov Account and go to Centrelink and select the Claims menu and follow the prompts
Step 1: Visit www.myoshc.net.au and click on “Book Now”
Step 2: Sign In
Step 3: Add/ Change/Preview Bookings
Emergency bookings can be made within 30 minutes of the end of the school day! Send us a text message PLUS call the school so they can notify your child.
Medications and Allergies
On enrolment and before commencement, my OSHC are required by law to have health support plans and medication authorities that are signed by a medical practitioner for all health-related matters.
- Medical requirements
- Such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Diabetes and Allergies are required to provide an action plan, signed by the child’s doctor, inclusive of a signed a Medical Management and Communication plan by the parents.
- That require a Child’s specific medication will need to be supplied in date and labelled with the child’s name, DOB and expiry; Supplied in the original container with the child’s name on the outside and expiry displayed.
- In some circumstances may attract government funding for additional support
- In emergency situations, the service may provide medication to a child, with medical practitioner approval, should the service staff be unable to contact the parents / guardians.
Court Order
On enrolment and before commencement, the Director must sight and be provided with a copy of any court order relating to the custody of children in the service care.
Inclusion Support Funding Programme
my OSHC are able to access government funding to increase the educator to child ratio, to support children in need. An application for this programming will need to be completed on enrolment, inclusive of the diagnosis for a government determinate. The support programming, has its limitations being that the my OSHC service is unable to provide one to one support. For further information: https://idfm.org.au/for-families
For one on one support, parents will need to seek advice from their NDIS support planner to develop a strategy to access OSHC services, once that has been completed, advise my OSHC of the outcome and make the OSHC + NDIS booking.
Parenting SA
Parenting SA is a program of the South Australian government. They offer quality information on raising children since 1996.
On this site, you can find:
- Free Parent Easy Guides. They cover a wide range of topics about raising babies, toddlers, children and young people from birth to 18 years. There are also Guides specially developed for Aboriginal and multicultural families. Many education, health and community services across South Australia have the Guides on display for parents to take
- Information and support
- Seminars and videos
Signing In and Out
It is a legal requirement that Families and carers (additional caregivers picking up children need to be documented on the Enrolment Form) sign their children in and out at the time of arrival and departure. This is done electronically through our iPad; this action is linked to your childcare benefit payments.
We only accept adults over the age of 18 to sign the children in and out and only if pre approval by the parents or care givers has been given. Older siblings 16+ can collect siblings ONLY when written pre approval by parent or Guardian has been given.
All children with regular bookings will have their own profile on Kinderloop. Kinderloop can be downloaded at your app store and or can be accessed via www.myoshc.net.au. This App is our primary source of communication. For non-regular bookings we encouraged families and carers to follow us on Facebook (@PrescottmyOSHC)
Other forms of communication can include general updates in the school newsletter, the school app, OSHC newsletters, in the centre’s notice board and in exceptional circumstances we will also text or call.
After School Activities
my OSHC staff are able to cater for children attending OSHC to go to after school activities held on the school premises. The parent/guardian of the child will be required to provide written consent, outlining details of the arrangements and acknowledging that my OSHC forgoes responsibility while the child is attending their activity (e.g. Chess/Basketball).
my OSHC staff will sign the child in / out at the designated time, as per the written advice from the parent. Staff is NOT responsible for dropping your child or picking your child up from events, arrangements will need to be made through the activity coordinators.
Food and Nutrition
my OSHC menus are designed in line with the following healthy food guides from:
- Right Bite Easy Guide to Heathy Food and Drink Supply for Schools and Preschool
- Australian Dietary Guidelines

Food Service
Before School Care
A Breakfast is always offered, with a daily choice of cereal, toast, spreads, milk and fruit.
After School Care
A Light nutritious afternoon tea is provided each day including fresh fruit, slices of carrot, cucumber and dip yogurt.
Vacation Care
Children must bring a nutritious lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle; a nutritious afternoon tea will be supplied.

Children are provided with the opportunity to do their homework, but staff are unable to individually tutor children. my OSHC Staff will not force or do homework time compulsory for any child, we will however encourage as much as we can and inform parents of any issues.
Sun Protection
my OSHC is a ‘Sunsmart’ service and consequently, bucket hats and sunscreen are required to be worn by children who are outdoors when the UV level reaches 3 above.
Children are expected to bring their own bucket hat and wear clothing that covers their shoulders. All items should be labelled.
Children who attend excursion days are required to wear a my OSHC logo hat. When you enrol into an excursion day the hat fee will be added to your account. Any child who comes other days is more than welcome to purchase a hat.

Children’s Behaviour
We expect children to:
- Follow instructions promptly and without arguing.
- Play appropriately with others.
- Speak politely and use manners.
- Play within the boundaries.
- Stay within sight of a staff member.
- Use equipment appropriately.
- Ask a staff member for help if needed.
- Help clean up.
- Show respect, understanding and kindness to everyone.
We expect children NOT to:
- Answer back or to use inappropriate body language.
- Hurt other people, fight or use any aggressive behaviour.
- Use bad language (swearing).
- Tease, use “put downs”, call people names or exclude others.
- Damage property.
- Go into out of bounds areas / Go out of sight of the staff.
- Disobey staff instructions.
- Use other people’s property without permission.
- Be fully aware of all the factors surrounding an incident and take time to assess the situation before reacting to a child’s actions.
- Respond calmly and rationally.
- If potential harm or risk to staff or children is likely, staff shall act quickly and in a protective manner.
- Ensure response is in adherence with service policies and procedures.
- Consult with other staff if difficulties arise and consult with the Director.
- Document incident fully and inform family and child/ren.
- Use distraction techniques (changing the focus of the activity or behaviour) and a reminder of rule and responsibilities.
- Use redirection techniques (substitution a negative activity for a positive activity).
- Planned ignorance (for behaviour that is attention seeking) while maintaining a safe environment for all children.
- Use active listening, discussion and observational skills (to determine underlying cause of behaviour).
- Staff will discuss the matter with the child to resolve the issue and work on strategies with the child to help change the behaviour.
- Remove child from the situation to a quiet area under supervision to sit and think about behaviour and discussions of how to better handle the situation next time.
- Parent/guardian notified when they collect their child from the program.
- If unacceptable behaviour cannot be rectified, or if it endangers the safety and well-being of others, exclusion from the program will occur.

Policies and Procedures
The policies and procedures manuals are available on Kinderloop. Alternatively, they are in hard copy form at my OSHC. my OSHC Director is happy to email you any policies or procedures as well.
Maintaining Partnerships
my OSHC works best when it is truly a partnership between families and staff. Please feel free to:
- Speak to the Director and Educators.
- Leave a suggestion in the suggestion box.
- Complete the customer satisfaction survey https://myoshc.net.au/
Information Sharing
my OSHC Information Sharing procedures follow the Government of South Australia, Office of the Guardian for Children & Young People; Information Sharing Guidelines for Promoting the Safety & Wellbeing of Children, Young People and their Families and understand that confidentiality will be maintained.
For more information see website:
Grievance/Complaints Procedure
My OSHC takes complaints about the service, its staff, educators, practices, and procedures seriously. There are processes in place to ensure all grievances and complaints are addressed, investigated fairly, and documented in a timely manner. Please contact your Director on 0402 737 051 or prescott@myoshc.net.au and they will follow the necessary steps.
If you feel your issues have not been resolved after following the my OSHC complaints procedures you can contact the Approved Provider – admin@myoshc.net.au and or the Regulatory Authority (Education Standards Board) on 1800 882 413 (toll free), to investigate further.
My OSHC – Philosophy
Statement of Philosophy
We believe that Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is a valuable and integral part of the School and the local community. Our program provides a safe and healthy environment for children and maintains the standards in line with the National Quality Framework and Standards for OSHC.
MyOSHC is all about our children. We create and uphold a nurturing environment for our children, families, educators, and the wider community. Our life long purpose is to maintain a sense of belonging for all our children encouraging them to reach their full potential. We aim to be recognised as a high-quality care provider and provide a safe and nurturing environment for all who need it.
To provide high quality care and learning experiences for school aged children in a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment that is responsive to the needs of the children, families and staff.

Organisation Values
Mutual Respect / Trust / Cooperation / Teamwork / Professionalism / Equality
- Safety
- Be treated with dignity
- Be acknowledged as a unique individual
- Have the opportunity to develop their social, physical, cognitive, cultural and emotional skills
- Be encouraged to enhance their self-worth
- Build positive relationships between peers and caregivers.
- Respectful
- Nurturing
- Child orientated
- Valuing difference and diversity
- Facilitate lifelong learning
- The development of positive relationships and interactions with families and the community
- Encouraging child and parent input into the program
- Providing regular routines
- Providing stimulating structured and unstructured activities
- An aesthetically pleasing and supportive physical environment
- Staff working to build an atmosphere of trust, respect and honesty towards each other
- Respect
- To feel a sense of belonging and equality
- To be trusted
National Law and Regulations
The national law and national regulations outline the legal obligations of approved providers, nominated supervisors and educators and explain the powers and functions of the state and territory authorities and ACECQA.
For more information see website: