Opening Hours, Fees and Charges
my OSHC is in partnership with the School Advisory Council, the fees, policies and procedures are determined collaboratively.
Opening Hours / Fees | Before School Care | After School Care | Vacation Care (Home Based) |
Vacation Care (Excursions & Incursions) |
Early Dismissal | Pupil Free Day (Home Based) |
Mon – Fri | 6:30am – 8:30am | 3:00pm – 6:00pm | 6:30am – 6:00pm | 6:30am – 6:00pm | 2:00pm – 6:00pm | 6:30am – 6:00pm |
Standard Booking | $21.00 | $31.00 | $70.00 | $80.00 | $40.00 | $70.00 |
Short Notice Booking | $26.00 | $36.00 | $75.00 | $85.00 | $45.00 | $75.00 |
Note: Prices as at 16th October 2023
**All Fees are subject to Child Care Subsidy and include all Excursion/Incursion costs, Home-Based Activities, Daily Breakfasts and Afternoon Teas.*
Others Fees & Charges
Charge | Description of Charge/Payment method |
Short Notice Booking (BSC, ASC, ESF) |
Bookings made within 7 days of the session, will appear on your Invoice as a $3 additional charge. |
Short Notice Booking (VC, PFD) |
Bookings made within 14 days of the session, will appear on your invoice as a $5 additional charge. |
$2.20 | Account set up administration fee (once only) |
$0.88 Bank Account
2.7% American Express 1.87% Visa/Mastercard |
Direct Debit Transaction Bank Fee |
BPay (on application) | |
$14.00 | Failed Payment Fee |
$9.90 | Dishonour fee |
$15.00 | Penalty fee for collecting a child after the specified closing time. $15 per 15-minute increments per child |
$20.00 | my OSHC HAT – this is paid inside CCB & is mandatory for excursions |
Cancellations | |
Free of Charge | BSC/ASC/ED/PFD/VC HOME BASE DAYS: Bookings cancelled outside of 7 days from the day of booking will be cancelled free of charge
EXCURSION / INCURSION DAYS: Bookings cancelled outside of 14 days of the booking will be cancelled free of charge. |
Absentees | |
FULL FEE (Minus CCS) |
BSC/ASC/ED/PFD/VC HOME BASE DAYS: Bookings cancelled within 7 days of the booking will be classed as an Absence Day.
VC EXCURSION/INCURSION: Bookings cancelled within 14 days of the booking will be classed as an Absence Day. UNLESS:
OR The service is notified of cancellation and a child on the waiting list can fill the booking. |