Opening Hours, Fees and Charges

my OSHC is in partnership with the School Advisory Council, the fees, policies and    procedures are determined collaboratively.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

You may be eligible for up to a 90% Child Care Subsidy!

Child Care Subsidy calculator:

To register for Childcare Subsidy (CCS) visit or please phone 13 61 50 to provide you a Client Reference Number (CRN).

Once you have enrolled to make a CCS claim: or sign in to your my Gov Account and go to Centrelink and select the Claims menu and follow the prompts.

Opening Hours / Fees Before School Care After School Care Vacation Care
(Home Based)
Vacation Care
(Excursions & Incursions)
Early Dismissal Pupil Free Day
(Home Based)
Mon – Fri 6:30am – 8:30am 3:00pm – 6:00pm 6:30am – 6:00pm 6:30am – 6:00pm 2:00pm – 6:00pm 6:30am – 6:00pm
Standard Booking $21.00 $31.00 $70.00 $80.00 $40.00 $70.00
Short Notice Booking $26.00 $36.00 $75.00 $85.00 $45.00 $75.00

Note: Prices as at 16th October 2023

**All Fees are subject to Child Care Subsidy and include all Excursion/Incursion costs, Home-Based Activities, Daily Breakfasts and Afternoon Teas.*

Others Fees & Charges

Charge Description of Charge/Payment method
Short Notice Booking
Bookings made within 7 days of the session, will appear on your Invoice as a $3 additional charge.
Short Notice Booking
Bookings made within 14 days of the session, will appear on your invoice as a $5 additional charge.
$2.20 Account set up administration fee (once only)
$0.88 Bank Account

2.7% American Express

1.87% Visa/Mastercard

Direct Debit Transaction Bank Fee
BPay (on application)
$14.00 Failed Payment Fee
$9.90 Dishonour fee
$15.00 Penalty fee for collecting a child after the specified closing time. $15 per 15-minute increments per child
$20.00 my OSHC HAT – this is paid inside CCB & is mandatory for excursions
Free of Charge BSC/ASC/ED/PFD/VC HOME BASE DAYS: Bookings cancelled outside of 7 days from the day of booking will be cancelled free of charge

EXCURSION / INCURSION DAYS: Bookings cancelled outside of 14 days of the booking will be cancelled free of charge.

(Minus CCS)
BSC/ASC/ED/PFD/VC HOME BASE DAYS: Bookings cancelled within 7 days of the booking will be classed as an Absence Day.

VC EXCURSION/INCURSION: Bookings cancelled within 14 days of the booking will be classed as an Absence Day.


  • The service is contacted by 8am the morning of the session and is provided with a Medical Certificate by close of business that day.


  • The service is notified 48 hours or more before the day of the booking and a letter/ copy of text message or copy of email from the employer that states the parent is no longer required to work. The letter needs to be supplied before close of business that day.


The service is notified of cancellation and a child on the waiting list can fill the booking.


Joshua and Jayden’s Mum says…the boys love coming to OSHC everday!

“The my OSHC team are fantastic! Its peace of mind knowing the two boys are in good hands. They are supplied with healthy food, their homework is competed when I come to pick them up and they are learning about nature and other topics within their designed educational program. The boys love coming to the OSHC every day and their happiness is the most important thing to me.”


Prescott Principal says… my OSHC gives our families peace of mind.

“The team at my OSHC provide Prescott Primary Northern and our families with the peace of mind that our children will continue to receive the care and attention we pride ourselves on during the school day when they are in OSHC.”

Former Student

Former student Khyleesha says…I enjoyed every minute with them.

“I started going to my OSHC in 2013, when I was 7 years old. Here I am now in high school! I still pop in on the way home from high school to say hello to the staff. Last term I asked Allison If I could come back for vacation care to work as a volunteer – I now have my own my OSHC name badge. I enjoyed every minute I’ve been with them.”